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He struck up an online conversation with a child pedophile with the handle, 'NkdSister' and realized as a gut feeling that this individual might be the source of Allen's graphic imagery. Zaglifa informed the FBI and on May 27th, 2003, two federal agents went to Mancuso's Pittsburgh home to investigate. The agents quickly found computer disks with child pornography and then suddenly, 10-year-old Allen asked the agents, 'Is this about my secret?' Immediately, the agents knew that Mancuso was not happy to see them and they separated Allen from her adoptive father.

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She filed the federal lawsuit Friday in Philadelphia under the name Jane Doe Masha Allen is now 20 and has changed her name to regain some measure of privacy after testifying in Congress (pictured in 2006). Indeed, after Mancuso's arrest it was discovered that Allen was not his first victim.

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